Anticipation Intelligence (AQ) TM

See further into the future, anticipate what’s coming, and adapt faster and with confidence.

Why AQ?

How often have you been blindsided by something you didn’t see coming?Or wished you’d spotted that great opportunity sooner?Then you need to improve your Anticipation Intelligence (AQ)TM.

The good news is intelligence is never static, and there are ways for you to grow your AQ!

Our aim isn’t to tell you what the future is, we believe that

YOU are the expert of your context

You are the best person to spot the trends that will influence your unique future.
Our mission is to help you get better at cultivating that natural ability. We give you a framework and exercises and tools and processes to develop this lived skill.

AQ means putting your future back into your hands

“I am definitely convinced now that AQ is something worth investing time and money in”

– Darius, Consultant

IQ → EQ → AQ

We've known for centuries that intelligence often equates with success, and so it is highly valued! But the idea of IQ (cognitive intelligence) being most important has become outdated.Psychologists have long argued that we have many different types of intelligence. For example, emotional intelligence (EQ), our ability to read and understand emotions, has gained credibility as a valid and important intelligence.Fast forward to today and we know more is needed. If the past two years have taught us anything it’s that an ability to anticipate what’s coming and adapt fast keeps you ahead of the curve.

We have defined this skill as Anticipation Intelligence (AQ)TM. Drawing on decades of foresight, psychology and strategy research, our thesis sets out why this is a critical skill for the present.To read more about the research behind AQ, download our white paper.

Introduction to AQ


In this introductory workshop you will learn the psychology of how your brain is already thinking about the future (hint: it’s more than you think!) and start rewiring your brain to do so more effectively. So that you can get better at anticipating the future!


"Leila’s course on AQ opened up to me a new way of working on future proofing my decisions"

Uli, Project Manager

"Introduction to AQ is a must-do workshop for anyone who wants to learn more about their thought patterns and get a bit closer to the future they want"

Rachel, Entrepreneur

Not ready for a full workshop?

Sign up to our newsletter to receive monthly insights, exercises and tips to start growing your AQ.

We respect your privacy and will never share your information with any third parties. You can unsubscribe at any time.

AQ for organisations

Want a high AQ team?

We provide group trainings on AQ with the option to tailor it to your unique business context. Invest in your team’s future and wellbeing whilst watching your foresight capacity grow.

Our Story

We’ve spent collectively over three decades working with individuals and organisations of all sizes to explore and map the future and create adaptable strategies. The more we worked with people the more we noticed that some seemed much better at anticipating what was coming than others. They could spot the trends that were going to affect them, and see more clearly how these might play out, and so were able to come up with strategies and tactics for adapting.We spent a lot of time exploring what constituted this skillset and discovered it was a combination of foresight (seeing far ahead), topsight (seeing the whole and interconnections) and insight (seeing clearly without blindspots and assumptions). These skills and the ability to translate them into smart action (and use hindsight to do so) are what creates high AQ.

Our mission is make AQ as ubiquitous as IQ and EQ, equipping every individual with the confidence and capacity to anticipate and create the future they want.

About Us

Leila Varley

Founder and Training Lead

Leila is the lead designer of AQ curriculum and runs our courses. She has over a decade of experience facilitating courses and workshops around the world and blends practical learning and intellectual rigour with humour and fun! She has spent her career helping individuals, small businesses and big organisations to solve big problems, navigate the unknown and think creatively and strategically about the future. She’s lived and worked across four continents working with solopreneurs to big organisations like UN agencies and global corporations. She is passionate about personal development, reads voraciously, loves getting into nature and is currently trying to make the perfect pistachio gelato.

Shirin leads on the research and academic side of AQ, including coining the term! She has spent the past two decades exploring the future of big global issues such as risk, regulation and society, HIV/AIDS, diabetes and health, natural hazards, intellectual property rights and mobility for UN agencies, Fortune 500 companies, not-for-profits, universities and individuals. Each time the task has been exploring where and how disruptive change could impact the status quo, shining a spotlight on the non-obvious. She lives in London and in her spare time, she’ll be pottering around the garden, cooking for friends or at a classical music concert.

Shirin Elahi

Co-Founder and Research Lead

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you! Drop us a line if you’d like to know more about our research, courses or just for a chat. We’re actively looking for partners to help us deliver more workshops so please get in touch if that’s you. Email us at or just click on the button below.

© Anticipation Intelligence (AQ)TM. All rights reserved. Terms & Conditions

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Version of 21st June 2022

Terms and Conditions

This page sets out the terms and conditions on which you may use the Anticipation Intelligence (AQ)TM website and contents. Please read this carefully because it sets out the terms of a legally binding agreement between you and ourselves.By accessing our website and material you are agreeing to these terms and conditions. Please note that our content is covered by Copyright, and that access and/or use of our website and other platforms means that you agree to comply with our Privacy Policy, Copyright Policy and Disclaimers. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, then you should not use this website or any AQ content. For queries, please contact us at

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Anticipation Intelligence (AQ)TM trades as part of Corset Economy, a company registered in England and Wales. Its corporate details are as follows: company registered number is 12064455, registered office address is Athene House, Suite J, 86 The Broadway, London NW7 3TD, England, United Kingdom.

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